Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Welcome party

After months of planning, Bobo chan's welcome party finally went through this Sunday. Rather successfully I must say, most particularly since the little thing slept through-out the function! It was incredible, since I have so far never seen her sleeping for so long at a stretch during the day. And certainly not amidst so much noise, so many people and so much activity. The fortunate consequences of this phenomenon were several. For one, I got to actually enjoy the party, have meaningful dialogue with the guests, have a laidback easy lunch. I haven't had too many of such occasions since Bobo was born so I went all out to seize this one and made the most of it. Since there was no 'back-up' required, my mother was able to have her share of merriment and interaction too. This was in sharp contrast with the scene on the eve of the party. The tension, anxiety and stress was beginning to show. Bobo had been extremely cranky two days in a row and I was looking at the prospect of spending the entire function holed up in the room beside the party hall. But all thanks to my lovely daughter, none of these odds played out. Further, most other parameters fell into place. The ambience was great, decoration simple but classy, P's aunt's speech marvelous, food good and the overall atmosphere relaxed and chattery. More than that, most of the people who mattered were there, especially the sister whose presence we had timed into the party date. I would have loved to see a few other people, but I already knew their limitations so had to be liberal enough to excuse them. All in all, an event that went off well - ironically because the protagonist slept right through it!