Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The boxed up Indian

Notes from the fence is "back" for the nth time - so much so that I have decided to stop announcing my (imminent yet unpredictable) return to the blogging world. This time the rather long hiatus was thanks to this new addition to the family, which is currently rolling away to glory as her mother rolls up the new post in her old blog.

This time I think I am going to come up with an array of reviews on restaurants that provide home delivery, for reasons that need no further explanation. "Indian in a box" deserves to be congratulated for one simple reason - saving me the trouble of cooking up a meal on a saturday evening after the new Smokin Joes in the area declared that they work only from 11 am to 8 pm. Recommended by the Mr.'s colleagues, we decided to order Chicken biryani.

I had several reasons to "like" what we got:
1) It came in a record fifteen minutes.
2) The food was piping hot when delivered.
3) It came so well packaged that we almost felt bad to unwrap it.
4) The biryani was delicious, flavored very well and had just the right amount of spice and chilly factor to suit our palate.
5) The pricing too suited the pocket well, though I think I may have easily agreed to pay a few more tenners.
6) The menu provided along with the food was tempting enough to go for another order.

Indian in a box already has three outlets in Pune (or let me say the non-Pune Pune if you know what I mean), and are reportedly take-away specialists. With only Indian and Chinese on the menu the choices could well run out for a regular, but there is still quite a lot of fare to try out for at least a few times. They apparently also have a few offers running. This time we opted out of the 'spicy' IPL offer but could try another some other time.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Watching the baby hit the turning milestone was an incredible experience for her as well as for both of us parents. It was in a way the first real attempt at mobility. The flaying and kicking that started in the second month notwithstanding, this was different. Here the baby was actually going that extra mile to do something that will ultimately lead her to adult, human behaviour. I hope I was able to explain what I meant!

It was also a celebration of evolution - to watch that little thing try so hard to get at something we take humongously for granted. Have you ever spared a thought at what it takes to turn on your side at a 90 degrees angle? But watch a baby try to do it and see for yourself - first she puts her head back (with great effort) at about 45 degrees, then slowly pulls her shoulders to match that angled head, then the torso turns to meet the shoulder line and viola, we are on our side! Don't ask us to go back again that easily though! That's a skill we still have to master :)