Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Valley of Flowers at Kaas - Revisited

We revisited the Valley of Flowers at Kaas Lake after two years, not knowing what changes to expect this time. The area has been declared as a heritage site a few months ago and we'd heard that there were a few new rules in place. The experience left us pleasantly surprised for once.

The key was reaching there really early in the morning (as early as you could manage to start from Pune with two toddlers... though I think we did a good job!) As you drive into the beautiful view, there is a makeshift ticketing office where you buy tickets for the group, your vehicle and your camera.

The parking area is far away from the flowers, so that does take a bit of hiking. Better if kids and older people are dropped off near the flower area while someone parks the car. 

There were clearly marked trails around the flowers to avoid trampling, and a few guards were working hard to ensure order. This time we were able to take our time and explore a larger area. All of us who had been there earlier felt that there were more varieties of flowers this time and the beautiful belts of colour made it amazingly vibrant.

Food and water is allowed so we even had a nice picnic type snack amidst all the natural beauty. We were blessed with a mild cloud cover that made it really pleasant all the way. Later we drove down towards Kaas lake and picnicked again under a shady tree. We spent around 3 hours in the area in all, and when you go in a group that can't be accomplished without an adequate supply of foods, right? 

Food joints along the road are scarce (which is a good thing actually) but mind that toilets are totally missing from the scene as well. A policeman told us that mobile toilets are likely to be installed soon but no idea if that has really happened. A lone restaurant before the flowers start was the only source of relief!