Friday, October 5, 2012

The Casual Vacancy - Can't Understand the Hype :(

Are you a Potter fan? Can't wait to grab the next Rowling novel (if you haven't already that is!)? Take my advice and shine happier without ever touching this book. If you still don't get it, read on.

First, expect extremely bad language. Move over the wonderfully drafted, almost literature-style Potter output - this is third grade writing. Poor use of words, lengthy, rambling sentences, repetitive text - unimaginable stuff this is, especially from Rowling herself!

Second, what has been covered in more than 500 pages could well have been summarised in a couple of hundred. At least that would've spared the reader a story that just goes on and on, throwing across needless detail and bringing together forced climaxes as the characters and story progress into sheer perversion. If this is a true depiction of society in a quaint British town I cannot be more shocked! If not, I cannot imagine how a mature author can stoop to such depths just to 'entertain' readers.

My verdict - As a reader I simply cannot get over not being enthralled by Rowling. I wish I'd never read it, for somewhere deep down I want to puke. I want to wash off all the muck that this book brought into my life. Never another Rowling for me, that's for sure!