Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Bobo has been trying to jump for several months now, with us parents intently watching each time, hoping not to miss that moment of joy when both feet would be simultaneously above the ground, even just a few ticks. Of course Bobo has been convinced that she can actually jump, the moment she started trying, that is! Didn't end there. Aai or Baba had to jump along with her, had to stand beside her and even lead the way.

There have been few real 'milestones' in the last few months, since Bobo has learnt to walk and talk. Most of the language development and other skill gathering has been subtle, albeit in spurts, and there have been no pinpointed moments such as the jumping one. Last night was therefore special. Not only did she manage to jump... she repeated it over and over with extreme excitement, her joy knowing no bounds, and I guess somewhere even understood that all her previous triumphs at (pseudo) jumping were almost humbug.

Her newly discovered skills bring a lot of anxiety back into our lives though. No longer can her histrionics on her little stool, the dining chair and the sofa go unsupervised. I am terrified that she might just let loose, and all hell will break in the house. At least until those little feet learn definitively to balance and co-ordinate, Aai and Baba are going to need eyes at the back of their heads!