Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Life in the third dimension

Bobo chan was so far living a two-dimensional life, wasn't she. She could stand up holding on to furniture alright, but there was no mobility in that third dimension. With the onslaught of unsupported walking, it is as if a whole new world has suddenly opened up. The discovery that there is so much to learn in this life, and to begin with, the house itself, has her totally going.

And going she is. From dawn to night, whether while eating, being cleaned, crying, laughing, sleepy or wide awake, the show must go on. There are drawers to be opened, items to be removed, other items replaced in their place. Strollers must be pushed and treated like walkers. Wires must be pulled down even if an inch of them is visible. Push and pull toys are meant to be pushed and pulled all over the house. The kitchen is forbidden territory, but there will come a time and place. The terrace, well, we've never even been there yet. You see, life is revealing an entirely new meaning to this ten month old!

As a fallout of this new and interesting phase in the daughter's life, poor Mom and Dad have become a harrowed lot. They thought they had covered the house, but now they ACTUALLY know what baby proofing means and what it entails. They have to think like the devil you know, be a few steps ahead, if furniture, stationary, crockery, etc have to be salvaged. They have to be continuously tuned in to the toddler who has obviously no connotation of danger or hurt. Whoever said a burnt child dreads fire were not parents themselves!

Monday, October 10, 2011

A See change!

We had taken Bobo out dining only twice in the past. Once on the husband's birthday when she slept through the entire lunch (plain lucky!) and the second time with hubby' parents, where she could not sit still even for a minute forcing us all to just gobble the food and leave.

Given this background, the proposal to eat out back-to-back this weekend made me gulp. Our mothers have birthdays on consecutive days and other family members were to join too. So we decided to leave things to fate and agreed. I spent the week mentally preparing myself for disaster, to say the least. Bobo chan is so much more aware of her surroundings now and hates to sit in one place. Naturally, she was going to create trouble. We had elaborate discussions on where to sit, how to manage her, who eats before whom, call and ask in advance for a high chair, etc. etc, you get the picture.

I thought I would be blogging about how we eventually survived the two meals. Quite the contrary! We actually ended up pleasantly surprised at our daughter's resilience to the events in her life all of this weekend. She not only behaved impeccably both days, but even charmed everyone around with smiles and her histrionics. It didn't end there. After her superb perfomance, we actually decided to go to a function on Sunday that we'd pre-decided to skip assuming we would've had enough by then. And she was such a sweetheart there too!

I'm so happy with this sudden change in my daughter's outlook to life. It's not completely inexplicable though. I have a new nanny for the last three weeks and the idea of having someone else, other than just Mom all day, to play with, seems to be appealing to her quite a lot. She seems much less crankier, clingier and often ends the day with a smile, something I've rarely seen happening before. Consequently, we've decided to jump on to every opportunity to expose her to new people and places and to make her learn more and more about the world around her!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Stepping forward

Bobo chan is in the high-energy mode these days. The pretty little feet are carrying all the weight and trying out baby steps forward. We spent a week watching her take one step, then sit down. Then, the last week we held our breath as she took one step, then stood, then took another and then sat down. Yesterday was finally the day when there were three steps, twice in the afternoon, followed by five steps in the evening!! I think now I can safely declare that the little one is walking.

Ironically, I did not experience that 'tears in the eye' feeling that is oh so glorified. Perhaps because there was so much run up that it did not really come as a 'surprise' per se. Yet this mother's heart leaps every time she stands up and takes a step forward. For, a step forward it is! My little one is walking. Walking. Can you imagine. I kept picturing how she would look when she walks when she was a baby in my arms. And now, here she is. I have to admit though, that there is this unexplained sadness somewhere really deep down inside me. Walking is like the final and ultimate evidence that the infant is growing up. Faster than I had ever imagined.

For the record, we were unable to capture those first few steps. Taking the camera in hand (even hiding with it) is the best way to put her off from doing what you are after. I know we eventually succeed once the activity becomes second nature, but I guess these 'first-time' memories will have to be tightly locked up inside our heads after all!