Thursday, October 6, 2011

Stepping forward

Bobo chan is in the high-energy mode these days. The pretty little feet are carrying all the weight and trying out baby steps forward. We spent a week watching her take one step, then sit down. Then, the last week we held our breath as she took one step, then stood, then took another and then sat down. Yesterday was finally the day when there were three steps, twice in the afternoon, followed by five steps in the evening!! I think now I can safely declare that the little one is walking.

Ironically, I did not experience that 'tears in the eye' feeling that is oh so glorified. Perhaps because there was so much run up that it did not really come as a 'surprise' per se. Yet this mother's heart leaps every time she stands up and takes a step forward. For, a step forward it is! My little one is walking. Walking. Can you imagine. I kept picturing how she would look when she walks when she was a baby in my arms. And now, here she is. I have to admit though, that there is this unexplained sadness somewhere really deep down inside me. Walking is like the final and ultimate evidence that the infant is growing up. Faster than I had ever imagined.

For the record, we were unable to capture those first few steps. Taking the camera in hand (even hiding with it) is the best way to put her off from doing what you are after. I know we eventually succeed once the activity becomes second nature, but I guess these 'first-time' memories will have to be tightly locked up inside our heads after all!

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