Monday, October 10, 2011

A See change!

We had taken Bobo out dining only twice in the past. Once on the husband's birthday when she slept through the entire lunch (plain lucky!) and the second time with hubby' parents, where she could not sit still even for a minute forcing us all to just gobble the food and leave.

Given this background, the proposal to eat out back-to-back this weekend made me gulp. Our mothers have birthdays on consecutive days and other family members were to join too. So we decided to leave things to fate and agreed. I spent the week mentally preparing myself for disaster, to say the least. Bobo chan is so much more aware of her surroundings now and hates to sit in one place. Naturally, she was going to create trouble. We had elaborate discussions on where to sit, how to manage her, who eats before whom, call and ask in advance for a high chair, etc. etc, you get the picture.

I thought I would be blogging about how we eventually survived the two meals. Quite the contrary! We actually ended up pleasantly surprised at our daughter's resilience to the events in her life all of this weekend. She not only behaved impeccably both days, but even charmed everyone around with smiles and her histrionics. It didn't end there. After her superb perfomance, we actually decided to go to a function on Sunday that we'd pre-decided to skip assuming we would've had enough by then. And she was such a sweetheart there too!

I'm so happy with this sudden change in my daughter's outlook to life. It's not completely inexplicable though. I have a new nanny for the last three weeks and the idea of having someone else, other than just Mom all day, to play with, seems to be appealing to her quite a lot. She seems much less crankier, clingier and often ends the day with a smile, something I've rarely seen happening before. Consequently, we've decided to jump on to every opportunity to expose her to new people and places and to make her learn more and more about the world around her!

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