Sunday, June 19, 2011

Remember Daddy?

Husband got back early morning from the US even as baby was fast asleep. I was waiting for them to be awake together and really looking forward to their re-union. One, I wanted to see if baby would be able to remember her father and start again from where they had left off. And two, I wanted Daddy to discover that his sweetie was well on her way to start crawling. It was going to be a surprise for him.

At 7 am, Bobo stirred and so did P. As both awoke, P looked at her and flashed his sweetest 'Hi Bobo' smile. And what did he get in return? The famous pouted lower lip followed by an urgent scan of the room to locate Mommy! So she couldn't place him after all? Not expecting this reaction, I quickly picked her up and got her into the living room. I'm not sure what went through P's head at that moment. A successful foreign trip only to return to an infant who has forgotten you in that time?

Anyway, luckily baby quickly 'crawled' her way back into the comfort zone and adjusted to having Daddy around again. Daddy in turn watched with pride and awe as his little one picked herself up on all fours and darted off!

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