Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why won't Bobo sleep?

8.05 p.m.

---My poor little thing, she's so sleepy. My dear little baby. My darling. About to sleep. This is great. Everything is done - medicine given, night dress put on, diaper changed. What an efficient mom I am. I can actually work on that to-do I have been waiting to attack for so long now.

8.15 p.m.

Twisting and turning and twisting and turning. Why can't she just close her eyes. She will fall asleep if she so much as blinks. The little devil.

8.35 p.m.

---I'm hungry babes. There's dinner waiting for me. I haven't had anything since that tea at 3 p.m. That too went cold because I had to keep running after you, remember?

8.50 p.m.

---More twisting and turning. Gosh. What can I possibly do to help her? My poor little baby. Should I just leave the room and let her be?

8.51 p.m.

---Back in the room again. Strategic failure admitted. Loud wailing will require another few minutes of soothing. Brace yourself woman. This is going to be an uphill task.

9.05 p.m.

Has it really been an hour? Is this person ever going to sleep? Need to cross out a few things from that to-do. One hour less to execute. There goes, finally the eyelids are shut. Oh no. No No. Don't go again. Sleep. Sleep baby. Sleep. Oh yes. There. The impossible has been achieved. Baby is asleep. Dinner, here I come.

9.06 p.m.

Was that crying I just heard? Or is my mind doing tricks on me?

9.20 p.m.

Loud wailing. Pick up, soothe, try again. Another fifteen minutes, another item off the to-do.

9.35 p.m.

Can it be true? No, may be I'm imagining it. Is she really asleep? Yes! Yes! Yes! Hurray for everyone. Peace reigns.

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