Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Baby steps

Bobo chan does the cutest things so unknowingly, it is pure bliss to observe!

I often throw leftover bread, chapati or other food items outside the bedroom window for birds. She stares fixedly at pigeons, sparrows and mynahs that come to feed and startles when they suddenly fly away as she approaches the window.

As she started bird-watching, the window caught her fancy and has now become part of daily routine.The bedroom has a large french window with the lower third fixed, with a little ledge at the bottom, may be an inch and a half wide. Bobo reaches up to this ledge crawling and lifts herself daintily from her fours on to her knees and puts her hands on it. Then she slowly shuffles her knees towards the window to cover the few inches of ground to reach just below the window. It reminds me of a Japanese woman in a kimono shuffling her feet to get by! Then she puts her little chin on the edge and takes position - to spend the next few minutes gazing out of the window!

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