Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In Nature's Lap

Almost literally so, Bobo chan's new discovery is that she can kneel up against the bedroom french window and look out for the longest of times during the day. She is typically so engrossed in her sight-seeing(!!) that she almost forgets to eat or sleep, or even to cry...

And why not, when the sights to see are real treats to the eye. Lush green grass, cows grazing, sheep baaing, birds flying, an overflowing well, the occasional spells of rain... even an adult city-dweller would crave to look at such scenes from their bedroom window. Unfortunately, rumour has it that the open field behind my building has been sold. Consequently, how long Bobo gets to enjoy his scenery is now in the builder's hand. I do hope it's not too soon and that my child gets to savour this beauty for as long as possible.

For now, I don't know how much she understands, but she sure seems to relish her daily window time!

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