Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bed of roses? Think again!

I think motherhood must be the most rewarding, yet the most challenging job in the world. In no other job would you be on call 24x7, relentlessly, with such little scope for making mistakes (if you make one, you have to live with unprecedented guilt too).

The reason I'm hoping for some sunny times is that the little one is on an eating strike the last 3-4 days. She will look around, blow at the food, shake her head (vigorously) or invent just about any trick not to get that spoonful into her mouth! And this obviously frustrated mother can do nothing about it - I can't scold her, I can't force feed (haha - try that!), and nor can I give up trying to get whatever little I can into that growing tummy. Sometimes I wonder how that little thing can thrive on my milk alone and have so much energy to bring down the house! And on the other hand, I realise how far far away I am from weaning and it scares everything out of me. Mothering is scarcely a bed of roses!

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