Saturday, July 27, 2013

The joy of baking

An oven - a large traditional oven - with an uninterrupted power supply!! Super!
I carry an unusually heavy baggage of baking flops with me. Not my fault some of the times. Can't help it if MSEB knew that there was batter sitting on the kitchen platform waiting to go into the oven. But most often I have only me to blame :( However, I can't help that I have baking urges at odd times in the day and then if ingredients are not available I switch according to my convenience. Can't complain about internet recipes that didn't work if I didn't follow them to the T.

Somehow, I've given myself a fresh start since I got here. Learnt from some of the past mistakes. Stocked up on ingredients just in case that urge strikes. There has been no looking back since! I've already baked a strawberry cake, carrot cake, chocolate cake and today was the turn of a banana cake. Kiddo has been asking for cake since morning and the two pathetic looking overripe bananas on that shelf were begging for attention.

Thus was born the banana cake. I used this recipe but made quite a few changes (some people just don't learn, do they?)
Substituted flour with 2 cups of whole wheat flour, added 2 tsp baking powder, increased brown sugar to a full cup. Baked at 200 degrees for about 30 min.

Forgot to take a pic before cutting it. Trust me, it tastes good. Healthy and yummy good. Can't wait for kiddo to finish her nap. I think I am going to wait for her to demand cake again (it refuses to leave her mind since morning) and then present it to her, Tadaa!

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