Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's day

Yesterday was Mother's Day. I've never bothered about these 'days' come and go and I would not know if not for all the social media messages. So we didn't have any major celebration planned or anything. Just our usual Sunday meal.

Not until my little one surprised me with a lovely greeting card that she made at school.
Since school was closed for the Spring break in the previous week, she had to hide the card from me for a whole seven days until it was finally Mother's day and she could give it to me. I always knew there was something under the bed, but I had to exercise a whole lot of restraint too in order not to sneak a peek because she forbade me to do so. I succeeded, just as well as she did!

It was overwhelming and yes, it did succeed at reinforcing the joy, the huge privilege that being a parent brings with it. All the sacrifice, pain, efforts equal to nothing when you see a little girl jumping with joy, eyes gleaming, waiting to hand over a handmade gift.

The husband, who seemed a tad jealous of the two of us frolicking around (though he would never admit it), watched from a distance, asking why there was no card on Father's day. Yes, why not? I must drop the hint to her female class teacher when I meet her next.

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