Thursday, September 8, 2011

Angootha chhap!

Bobo's passport documents were finally in order and the husband got the bunch of forms over for us to sign, and for our daughter's thumb impression!! Hahahaha!! What the government of India will achieve by using thumb imprints of an 8-month old totally beats me but whatever the rule!

I think I bought an 'ink pad' for the first time in my life My husband, who has been used to seeing his father use one, says the tin packaging hasn't changed even slightly since he remembers the product. Anyway, we got all prepared with the papers, ink pad and got Bobo on to the scene. Made her sit in his lap while I took up the responsibility of presenting the paper.

The first reaction from the baby was that of awe. As always, her eyes rounded up, face lit up and mischief showed itself on her expression. But then she realised she was not going to get a free-hand, but that Aai and Baba were going to make her do something forcibly. She not being of the types who relents to such force and confinement, even those two minutes of 'thumbing' some ten pages of passport forms was sheer agony. Anyway, all is well that ends well - in this case it ended in a blue right thumb, small and uneven prints on about ten pages, and a bundle of forms waiting to make it to the Indian passport office.

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