Monday, September 12, 2011

Pearly whites

Nothing has pleased me more in recent time than the appearance of two little shiny pearls in Bobo's bottom gums. I'm so hoping that the teething madness of the last few days will finally be behind us. Of course there will be more teeth and perhaps more troubles, but now that I have lived through part I, subsequent parts can only confine to the law of marginal utility - of that I am certain!

It has also been pretty miraculous - this emergence of the two little nooks. Bobo's appetite has returned, the sleep routine is pretty much back on track and the fussiness is settling down. The 'destructive streaks' (mauling, tearing, excess energy foot banging, etc) that were making me more and more aghast each time have given way to loving looks, occasional caresses and generally, brighter days!

Whoever made this universe (and I do not want to become a sitting duck for debate on this topic AGAIN), certainly didn't think through these initial stages in a new human life. First it's colic, as that dies down there comes teething, not to mention stranger anxiety, separation anxiety, and who can forget weaning! Then of course man-made disasters such as school will strike. Poor little babies. How oblivious they seem to be to what lies ahead.

Anyway, enough of rambling. For now, we are celebrating the pearly whites. Two new toys, a variety of foods and lots of hugs and kisses :)

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