Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sun hat and poetic justice

Made a sun hat for Bobo today. After about two days of surfing the internet for tutorials, patterns, ideas and about two hours of going over each and every piece of fabric in my collection, I finally decided what to make and how to make it. What remained then was to squeeze in the requisite peaceful time.

Both Bobo and her Dad slept off in the afternoon allowing me just what I needed. I got to work furiously and after a really well-timed affair, finished the hat just before the munchkin woke up and cried for her afternoon meal of cerelac.

I always chide myself for not resting when I get the time, and then complaining of fatigue and exertion. When two-thirds of the family in the house was asleep, there was honestly nothing stopping me from getting my shut-eye. But that's not who I am. The creative satisfaction that I got from completing my project and executing it to perfection was a lot more valuable than a few minutes' worth of sleep. But what really took the cake was seeing the newly crafted hat sit daintily on Bobo's head.

Watching my little daughter in my own creation has always been a priceless moment for me. It was then that it suddenly hit me... it was so meant for me to have a daughter. It felt almost like poetic justice, because I simply failed to see it before! Not that I would not have carried forth my pursuits had it been a boy, but now I am literally spoilt for choice on options - clothes, accessories, you name it! And who knows, just like I took over the 'craftiness' from my own mother, someday my little girl might take it over from me!!

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