Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dreams are made of this stuff...

I keep wondering why I assumed that Austria would be just like Germany. Consequently I expected to derive similar value from the capital of Austria. I owe the city a huge apology. It not only proved me wrong but it also gave me an incredibly beautiful treat on the first day of the tour. I think it was all the more magical because it happened to be my birthday.

The city has surprises in store at each corner. Literally. Breathtakingly lovely monuments with awe-inspiring facades, palatially wide streets, a deep-rooted cultural history that makes it the legendary stuff that dreams are made up of. Oh how we marveled and oomphed and just roamed the city awe-struck, re-discovering love together the whole day! No amount of photos could capture that feeling!

At each turn when we thought there cannot be anything more beautiful, there was another and yet another. The domkirche, various fountains, opera house, imperial palace complex, minoritykirch, parliament building, war memorial, university - a beautiful city with modern transport, lush green and spotlessly clean, and new architecture that blends into the old with surprising ease.

I loved loved loved this place. Thank you Vienna for that unforgettable birthday experience!

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