Monday, August 19, 2013

Our very hungry caterpillar

Keya is fascinated by the Very Hungry Caterpillar story by Eric Carle. I find it equally lovely too. We don't have the book yet, but we have a caterpillar puzzle that has been gifted to us by a friend. And we watch the story online at least once a day at this site: (third story in this list).

This morning we decided to make a caterpillar out of bottle lids. I've been collecting them for ages now and have quite a large collection of various colours and sizes. I got the idea from another blog and here is the product, based on whatever raw material we had at home.

We first tried sticking the lids together but it would not work due to the grooves on the lids. Also realised that sticking would not make the caterpillar flexible enough to crawl around. Then I found these small plastic coated wires that come twirled around electric appliances. I made holes in the lids on opposite sides and used little pieces of the wires to hold the lids together. That way they stay together and the caterpillar can really move and crawl around. Avoided the temptation of adding too many lids. Used a piece of a pipe cleaner for the antennae. Have stuck some clay for the eyes until I can buy googly ones or think of something else around the house for eyes.

Now we are having fun taking our caterpillar around the house and making it eat through a lot of food... hthe poor little thing's bound to have a stomach ache by tonight! :)

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