Friday, August 2, 2013

Itchy madness

I've been down with a severe skin allergy. It started suddenly about a week ago. I woke up scratching and realised I had these red bumps all over my legs. Took an anti-allergic and went back to sleep thinking all would be well. Like hell!

It has now been 8 days. The rash comes and goes, spreads to different parts of my body, is variedly itchy and has basically taken over my life and my mind. At first I was hesitant to see a doctor for something that silly (I am the types who think doctors exist only for life threatening circumstances). So I put off what seemed like an increasingly inevitable visit, trying out some home remedies and reading up what was available on the Internet.

Last night it became unbearable and I finally dragged my itchy self to a doctor this morning. The doctor was a pleasant young man, and thankfully spoke some English while I conversed in broken German using words I'd pre-derived from Google Translate. The appointment itself turned out better than my expectation.
The outcome didn't.

The doctor basically told me I had to be "my own detective" and use trial and error to determine (out of thousands of possibilities) the reason for my allergic skin rash. It could be just about anything: food, water, deos, mites, detergents, sun exposure (The hilarious part was that he kept comparing life in Germany to that in Sri Lanka in spite of at least two sheepish mentions from me that I am from India!). I was told that once I figured out, I would figure it out for life! Liked that... Though for the life of me, if only I knew how to do that.

The only silver lining of that visit was that he confirmed that the rash was not infectious and thereby not contagious. Don't have to worry about P or the kiddo catching it.

Hmm. So begins a journey to a very fuzzy end. Wherein lies an itch-free, rash-free night. Don't know when or how I will achieve that. Need luck! Wish me some, please!

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