Friday, November 25, 2011

The Grandma Effect!

My daughter has undergone a transformation in the last fortnight that I have been here, at her grandparent's house. Baba is travelling, but we have no time to miss him (Sorry Baba!). There is so much waiting in store at Aaaa-jeeee's place that there is no time to even sleep (yes, that remains a challenge unfortunately).

Aaajjeeee has been teaching us a variety of new lessons and we are such an obedient student. We can now 'dance-dance' i.e. tap our feet. We can bring our thumb and middle finger together and show how 'chhaan-chhaan' something is. We can show you what sunlight does to the eyes. We can say 'diu-diu' and point at the light. We can put things into a bucket and pull them out again. And all of this with such remarkable sincerity and passion that trust me, I have never known my daughter like my Mom knows her grand-daughter. It does not end here... Aaajeee manages to make Bobo chan lie down in her lap for minutes together (feat!) and actually sleep in her lap (magic!).

In all of this, Aai has been reduced to a mere by-stander observing with both joy and fear. Joy because there is so much pleasure in watching my Mom and my baby together, laughing, playing and having fun. And fear, because there is just a day to go and I return to my own house. Will I be able to take this forward by myself? Only time will tell...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Latest developments!

I haven't blogged since my last post on Bobo's newly acquired walking skills. The reason is simple, the baby is walking and I'm running after her, literally. Suddenly there is an increase in the motherly workload like never before. Anyone who has been there, done that, will identify with me immediately! That's not all. There has been a spate of illnesses in the house. First, P got a cold, then Bobo had it. Even as it was going away, P caught a viral cough and Bobo got that too. As a result, the last week has been spent in endless pacifying, night waking and constant feeding. And just when I thought I was lucky enough to escape both the round of infections, I have come down with the cough :(. Thankfully, I'm at Mom's since P is travelling, which makes things SOO much easier.

An unfortunate side-effect of the illness bout is that Bobo has become extremely clingy. She wants to be carried all the time and making her sleep has become (even more!!) difficult. I'm really worried that this might become a habit which she will carry well after she has recovered. I so hope not!

It's not all bad though. Since I last blogged, we have mastered walking and are starting to use it skillfully. The terrace, artificial grass covered children's play area in the society, lobby outside Mom's house, are all favorite places. We still don't like our (not so) new shoes, but booties are great. Several words are being attempted - Aai (about 100 times a day), Ajji, Mummm, Tdou tdou (some mix of kau-kau and chiv-chiv), Baba (on rare occasions). Waving, clapping, pointing, wrist movements are becoming second nature. There is a lot of new association-building and concepts such as open-able lids, different textures, colors, animals, birds are being understood nicely. It's a great phase, and there is an imminent transition from 'baby' to 'toddler' on the way!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Life in the third dimension

Bobo chan was so far living a two-dimensional life, wasn't she. She could stand up holding on to furniture alright, but there was no mobility in that third dimension. With the onslaught of unsupported walking, it is as if a whole new world has suddenly opened up. The discovery that there is so much to learn in this life, and to begin with, the house itself, has her totally going.

And going she is. From dawn to night, whether while eating, being cleaned, crying, laughing, sleepy or wide awake, the show must go on. There are drawers to be opened, items to be removed, other items replaced in their place. Strollers must be pushed and treated like walkers. Wires must be pulled down even if an inch of them is visible. Push and pull toys are meant to be pushed and pulled all over the house. The kitchen is forbidden territory, but there will come a time and place. The terrace, well, we've never even been there yet. You see, life is revealing an entirely new meaning to this ten month old!

As a fallout of this new and interesting phase in the daughter's life, poor Mom and Dad have become a harrowed lot. They thought they had covered the house, but now they ACTUALLY know what baby proofing means and what it entails. They have to think like the devil you know, be a few steps ahead, if furniture, stationary, crockery, etc have to be salvaged. They have to be continuously tuned in to the toddler who has obviously no connotation of danger or hurt. Whoever said a burnt child dreads fire were not parents themselves!

Monday, October 10, 2011

A See change!

We had taken Bobo out dining only twice in the past. Once on the husband's birthday when she slept through the entire lunch (plain lucky!) and the second time with hubby' parents, where she could not sit still even for a minute forcing us all to just gobble the food and leave.

Given this background, the proposal to eat out back-to-back this weekend made me gulp. Our mothers have birthdays on consecutive days and other family members were to join too. So we decided to leave things to fate and agreed. I spent the week mentally preparing myself for disaster, to say the least. Bobo chan is so much more aware of her surroundings now and hates to sit in one place. Naturally, she was going to create trouble. We had elaborate discussions on where to sit, how to manage her, who eats before whom, call and ask in advance for a high chair, etc. etc, you get the picture.

I thought I would be blogging about how we eventually survived the two meals. Quite the contrary! We actually ended up pleasantly surprised at our daughter's resilience to the events in her life all of this weekend. She not only behaved impeccably both days, but even charmed everyone around with smiles and her histrionics. It didn't end there. After her superb perfomance, we actually decided to go to a function on Sunday that we'd pre-decided to skip assuming we would've had enough by then. And she was such a sweetheart there too!

I'm so happy with this sudden change in my daughter's outlook to life. It's not completely inexplicable though. I have a new nanny for the last three weeks and the idea of having someone else, other than just Mom all day, to play with, seems to be appealing to her quite a lot. She seems much less crankier, clingier and often ends the day with a smile, something I've rarely seen happening before. Consequently, we've decided to jump on to every opportunity to expose her to new people and places and to make her learn more and more about the world around her!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Stepping forward

Bobo chan is in the high-energy mode these days. The pretty little feet are carrying all the weight and trying out baby steps forward. We spent a week watching her take one step, then sit down. Then, the last week we held our breath as she took one step, then stood, then took another and then sat down. Yesterday was finally the day when there were three steps, twice in the afternoon, followed by five steps in the evening!! I think now I can safely declare that the little one is walking.

Ironically, I did not experience that 'tears in the eye' feeling that is oh so glorified. Perhaps because there was so much run up that it did not really come as a 'surprise' per se. Yet this mother's heart leaps every time she stands up and takes a step forward. For, a step forward it is! My little one is walking. Walking. Can you imagine. I kept picturing how she would look when she walks when she was a baby in my arms. And now, here she is. I have to admit though, that there is this unexplained sadness somewhere really deep down inside me. Walking is like the final and ultimate evidence that the infant is growing up. Faster than I had ever imagined.

For the record, we were unable to capture those first few steps. Taking the camera in hand (even hiding with it) is the best way to put her off from doing what you are after. I know we eventually succeed once the activity becomes second nature, but I guess these 'first-time' memories will have to be tightly locked up inside our heads after all!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Of Marksheets and Report cards

My father has had this amusing system of allotting 'marks' denoting his level of approval of places, people and things. In his unique system there is no upper limit. You can score 10,000 out of 100 if he likes what you do :-) Besides, scoring is spontaneous and dynamic, with marks fluctuating at his will. I cannot say how much I enjoy his report card evaluation.

I find his scoring of Bobo chan's behaviour most amusing. There cannot be a more appropriate example of favoritism. Haha. There is virtually no objectivity. No matter how much Bobo cries or troubles me, her report card never gets a red mark. Sometimes he threatens her that he will mark her down, but when we are leaving his house, or he's leaving ours, the marks jar is always full and overflowing.

I find myself scoring her performance too. But she never gets nearly the same marks from me as her Ajoba allots her. May be because I'm a mother, and find it harder to evaluate the joys while totally blocking out the trials that come along. Or may be I'm simply not as generous a person as he is :-) Or may be Bobo chan has seen through his system and conveniently tries everything to impress him. What a thought, hahaha!! Aai on the other hand is 'ghar ki murgi'. How does it matter what she scores her, or doesn't! She can't get away from her, and vice versa. What do you say? :-)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Learning some, teaching some

My little daughter has been teaching me a few lessons in virtue, just as she is learning from me about the world around her.

Some examples:
1) Early to bed and early to rise. The basic lesson. Further, get up when you are awake. Don't keep lying around in bed.
2) Eat only when you are hungry. Stop eating the moment you are full. No overeating please!
3) Have an open, scientific curiousity about everything around you. No inhibitions, try everything, fearlessly.
4) If you don't like something, say it. If you love something, express it with uninhibited affection and smiles. No hypocrisy.

If babies come to life with these simple virtues, I wonder at what stage social conditioning turns them into the adults that we have become. The human mind sets us apart from animals, at the same time makes us the calculative, cunning individuals that we are. We are just as straightforward as animals when we are born. But as we grow up, our 'habits' change, our living standards deteriorate, our inquisitiveness gives way to cynicism, and love and affection becomes conditional and reciprocative! Children are capable of demonstrating that life can be as simple as we want it to be. If only. Sigh!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Pearly whites

Nothing has pleased me more in recent time than the appearance of two little shiny pearls in Bobo's bottom gums. I'm so hoping that the teething madness of the last few days will finally be behind us. Of course there will be more teeth and perhaps more troubles, but now that I have lived through part I, subsequent parts can only confine to the law of marginal utility - of that I am certain!

It has also been pretty miraculous - this emergence of the two little nooks. Bobo's appetite has returned, the sleep routine is pretty much back on track and the fussiness is settling down. The 'destructive streaks' (mauling, tearing, excess energy foot banging, etc) that were making me more and more aghast each time have given way to loving looks, occasional caresses and generally, brighter days!

Whoever made this universe (and I do not want to become a sitting duck for debate on this topic AGAIN), certainly didn't think through these initial stages in a new human life. First it's colic, as that dies down there comes teething, not to mention stranger anxiety, separation anxiety, and who can forget weaning! Then of course man-made disasters such as school will strike. Poor little babies. How oblivious they seem to be to what lies ahead.

Anyway, enough of rambling. For now, we are celebrating the pearly whites. Two new toys, a variety of foods and lots of hugs and kisses :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Crying it out?

The daughter has been giving me an awful lot of trouble sleeping these past few days. She simply refuses to close her eyes. In fact far from it! To be able to sleep, a human being would typically need to 'decide' that s/he wants to sleep, then relax and if s/he is really sleepy allow at least a couple of minutes for the sweet nothing-ness to take over.

Here we have a situation where first, we do not want to sleep (ever, if we can help it), two, we will not lie down (we are a compulsive sitter as Mum likes to call us), third, we will simply not allow ourselves to relax so there is no chance at all that we can hit the bed for a few hours and catch up on our zzzzz's.

I have spent harrowing days (and nights) making her sleep four times a day for hours on end each time. This does not of course reflect on how long she sleeps after that! This morning I'd run out of everything - patience, ideas, energy, and what have you, and decided it was time for me to try out Ferber's approach of letting a baby cry itself to sleep. I'd sort of decided I'm never going to do it if I could help it, but today was simply one of those mornings!

I watched her howl and howl and howl more and wail and wail and wail for at least 10 minutes. Tell you what, it simply broke my heart and that is the biggest understatement ever. Finally nursed her to sleep, came out of the room and cried my own eyes out for longer than she did. At the end of the whole session, pulled myself together and decided I would just go in and sleep beside her. Which is what I intended to do when I entered the room, and guess what I saw (no prizes for guessing that!).

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Angootha chhap!

Bobo's passport documents were finally in order and the husband got the bunch of forms over for us to sign, and for our daughter's thumb impression!! Hahahaha!! What the government of India will achieve by using thumb imprints of an 8-month old totally beats me but whatever the rule!

I think I bought an 'ink pad' for the first time in my life My husband, who has been used to seeing his father use one, says the tin packaging hasn't changed even slightly since he remembers the product. Anyway, we got all prepared with the papers, ink pad and got Bobo on to the scene. Made her sit in his lap while I took up the responsibility of presenting the paper.

The first reaction from the baby was that of awe. As always, her eyes rounded up, face lit up and mischief showed itself on her expression. But then she realised she was not going to get a free-hand, but that Aai and Baba were going to make her do something forcibly. She not being of the types who relents to such force and confinement, even those two minutes of 'thumbing' some ten pages of passport forms was sheer agony. Anyway, all is well that ends well - in this case it ended in a blue right thumb, small and uneven prints on about ten pages, and a bundle of forms waiting to make it to the Indian passport office.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sun hat and poetic justice

Made a sun hat for Bobo today. After about two days of surfing the internet for tutorials, patterns, ideas and about two hours of going over each and every piece of fabric in my collection, I finally decided what to make and how to make it. What remained then was to squeeze in the requisite peaceful time.

Both Bobo and her Dad slept off in the afternoon allowing me just what I needed. I got to work furiously and after a really well-timed affair, finished the hat just before the munchkin woke up and cried for her afternoon meal of cerelac.

I always chide myself for not resting when I get the time, and then complaining of fatigue and exertion. When two-thirds of the family in the house was asleep, there was honestly nothing stopping me from getting my shut-eye. But that's not who I am. The creative satisfaction that I got from completing my project and executing it to perfection was a lot more valuable than a few minutes' worth of sleep. But what really took the cake was seeing the newly crafted hat sit daintily on Bobo's head.

Watching my little daughter in my own creation has always been a priceless moment for me. It was then that it suddenly hit me... it was so meant for me to have a daughter. It felt almost like poetic justice, because I simply failed to see it before! Not that I would not have carried forth my pursuits had it been a boy, but now I am literally spoilt for choice on options - clothes, accessories, you name it! And who knows, just like I took over the 'craftiness' from my own mother, someday my little girl might take it over from me!!

Friday, August 26, 2011


First birthday as Mom, and it felt awesome. I couldn't do the usual stuff - go out for a meal, shopping, meeting people - but it still felt really special. Simply because there was this extraordinary little thing with me through the day.

Interestingly enough, the daughter was in a completely 'co-operative' mood. We made a risotto at home for lunch and the sweetheart slept just as I started cooking it, and slept right through the lunch. The very same thing happened at dinner time. As luck would have it, our dinner home delivery came a lot later than planned and as it got in, Bobo rubbed her eyes, fed and just slept. Unbelievable! We spread out on the living room floor gluttonously digging into our Mexican order, followed by creamy pastries.

Meanwhile, FB was solely responsible for an overwhelming number of birthday wishes, well further than the usual close circle greetings. Missed having parents and sister around, but some birthday it turned out to be! Thank you Bobo Chan :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bed of roses? Think again!

I think motherhood must be the most rewarding, yet the most challenging job in the world. In no other job would you be on call 24x7, relentlessly, with such little scope for making mistakes (if you make one, you have to live with unprecedented guilt too).

The reason I'm hoping for some sunny times is that the little one is on an eating strike the last 3-4 days. She will look around, blow at the food, shake her head (vigorously) or invent just about any trick not to get that spoonful into her mouth! And this obviously frustrated mother can do nothing about it - I can't scold her, I can't force feed (haha - try that!), and nor can I give up trying to get whatever little I can into that growing tummy. Sometimes I wonder how that little thing can thrive on my milk alone and have so much energy to bring down the house! And on the other hand, I realise how far far away I am from weaning and it scares everything out of me. Mothering is scarcely a bed of roses!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In Nature's Lap

Almost literally so, Bobo chan's new discovery is that she can kneel up against the bedroom french window and look out for the longest of times during the day. She is typically so engrossed in her sight-seeing(!!) that she almost forgets to eat or sleep, or even to cry...

And why not, when the sights to see are real treats to the eye. Lush green grass, cows grazing, sheep baaing, birds flying, an overflowing well, the occasional spells of rain... even an adult city-dweller would crave to look at such scenes from their bedroom window. Unfortunately, rumour has it that the open field behind my building has been sold. Consequently, how long Bobo gets to enjoy his scenery is now in the builder's hand. I do hope it's not too soon and that my child gets to savour this beauty for as long as possible.

For now, I don't know how much she understands, but she sure seems to relish her daily window time!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Baby steps

Bobo chan does the cutest things so unknowingly, it is pure bliss to observe!

I often throw leftover bread, chapati or other food items outside the bedroom window for birds. She stares fixedly at pigeons, sparrows and mynahs that come to feed and startles when they suddenly fly away as she approaches the window.

As she started bird-watching, the window caught her fancy and has now become part of daily routine.The bedroom has a large french window with the lower third fixed, with a little ledge at the bottom, may be an inch and a half wide. Bobo reaches up to this ledge crawling and lifts herself daintily from her fours on to her knees and puts her hands on it. Then she slowly shuffles her knees towards the window to cover the few inches of ground to reach just below the window. It reminds me of a Japanese woman in a kimono shuffling her feet to get by! Then she puts her little chin on the edge and takes position - to spend the next few minutes gazing out of the window!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A bad taste in the mouth x 4 times a day

2.5 ml of iron syrup and 5 ml of calcium, two times a day each, separated by at least four hours, every single day for the next three months.... and that too while I'm climbing higher and higher rungs in the ladder of mothering challenges.

First of, its difficult enough keeping time four hours apart - awake times, mind you. And when the time comes and Bobo is actually awake, ensuring that the said ml make its way down the throat is something short of acrobatics! It's harassment I say, little babies made to gulp yucky gooey liquids four times a day in the name of growth supplements. Ironically, the bottle claims "yummy taste" - duh??

Countless napkins and clothes have taken the brunt of the rusty-looking iron syrup stains. Thank heaven they made the internet - it told me that lemon juice and salt work on rust stains and voila - the combi really magically removes iron syrup stains! I know there are disposable tissues but they are useless in the face of the current combat. Bobo has learnt to make syrup dribble out of her mouth from both sides and no matter how much further down the mouth you push it, it makes its way back up. Seriously, it leaves a very bad taste - in her mouth as well as mine!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why won't Bobo sleep?

8.05 p.m.

---My poor little thing, she's so sleepy. My dear little baby. My darling. About to sleep. This is great. Everything is done - medicine given, night dress put on, diaper changed. What an efficient mom I am. I can actually work on that to-do I have been waiting to attack for so long now.

8.15 p.m.

Twisting and turning and twisting and turning. Why can't she just close her eyes. She will fall asleep if she so much as blinks. The little devil.

8.35 p.m.

---I'm hungry babes. There's dinner waiting for me. I haven't had anything since that tea at 3 p.m. That too went cold because I had to keep running after you, remember?

8.50 p.m.

---More twisting and turning. Gosh. What can I possibly do to help her? My poor little baby. Should I just leave the room and let her be?

8.51 p.m.

---Back in the room again. Strategic failure admitted. Loud wailing will require another few minutes of soothing. Brace yourself woman. This is going to be an uphill task.

9.05 p.m.

Has it really been an hour? Is this person ever going to sleep? Need to cross out a few things from that to-do. One hour less to execute. There goes, finally the eyelids are shut. Oh no. No No. Don't go again. Sleep. Sleep baby. Sleep. Oh yes. There. The impossible has been achieved. Baby is asleep. Dinner, here I come.

9.06 p.m.

Was that crying I just heard? Or is my mind doing tricks on me?

9.20 p.m.

Loud wailing. Pick up, soothe, try again. Another fifteen minutes, another item off the to-do.

9.35 p.m.

Can it be true? No, may be I'm imagining it. Is she really asleep? Yes! Yes! Yes! Hurray for everyone. Peace reigns.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Remember Daddy?

Husband got back early morning from the US even as baby was fast asleep. I was waiting for them to be awake together and really looking forward to their re-union. One, I wanted to see if baby would be able to remember her father and start again from where they had left off. And two, I wanted Daddy to discover that his sweetie was well on her way to start crawling. It was going to be a surprise for him.

At 7 am, Bobo stirred and so did P. As both awoke, P looked at her and flashed his sweetest 'Hi Bobo' smile. And what did he get in return? The famous pouted lower lip followed by an urgent scan of the room to locate Mommy! So she couldn't place him after all? Not expecting this reaction, I quickly picked her up and got her into the living room. I'm not sure what went through P's head at that moment. A successful foreign trip only to return to an infant who has forgotten you in that time?

Anyway, luckily baby quickly 'crawled' her way back into the comfort zone and adjusted to having Daddy around again. Daddy in turn watched with pride and awe as his little one picked herself up on all fours and darted off!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Monsoon magic

This evening, I positioned myself near the open window in my parents' home to show Bobo the rain. I just enjoy the rain from indoors, and why not? When you have nowhere to go to, no stress in life, watching the rain from the comfort of your window can be an ethereal experience.

It's hard to say whether Bobo really understood what was going on. But she certainly seemed to notice the school children pass by under colorful umbrellas. My sister and I used to sit on the window-sill of our house as children and watch the Mumbai rains for hours. Our feet would be dangling from the designer grill and we would invariably be eating some home-made delights alongside. We had a special diary for 'counting umbrellas'. There would be two columns - black and colored, and we would make tally marks for each umbrella that passed by in that few feet of road that was visible from our window position. When we were busy with our 'activity', people used to morph into umbrellas, of various colors, going at various speeds, at various angles! Later we added a special column for raincoats, to avoid the disappointment of a person passing by in a raincoat especially if the tally were set to hit 50 or 100 or a similar round figure.

I missed my sister like crazy (Love you, sweetie) as I counted out umbrellas for Bobo- both black and colorful. It was easy to see what a long long way we have come in life. And yet there was that joy, for Bobo is going to give me a chance to enjoy those simple pleasures in life all over again.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Stranger's envy, Mother's pride

Discovered stranger anxiety yesterday. It set in rather soon, and starkly at that. The four grandparents came to receive us and she refused to go to any of them. The look on her face was all too astounded, and astounding too. Then realisation dawned. The little one is now enlightened. She knows mommy as someone more than the lady with weird hair who feeds and cleans her. I'm now the lady who loves, comforts, soothes and protects her too. It was the most flattering feeling on earth.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Biryani @ Ruky's

Ruky's was recommended to me by a good friend. Situated in Kothrud, they are a take-away and delivery non-vegetarian eatery. The last weekend after visiting both parents we decided to carry dinner home. We needed something quick, filling and both of us wanted to eat chicken.

Ruky's had the standard fare - tikkas and such that is an integral part of non-veg places. My boneless chicken biryani was delivered in under 5 minutes, packing was standard. The good part was that they provided a rather spicy and chilly curry separately, so we could just omit the spice. The biryani itself felt like a combo of grilled chicken pieces and pulao, the making of which in fact I witnessed in their open kitchen - a large plate of pulao went in to the microwave and 2-3 plates of different made-to-order biryanis got concocted for people waiting for their orders. Quite an idea!

The only thing I didn't approve of was watching one of the cooks smack something out of his hand from a huge kadhai, apparently to taste it! I would've pointed it out to the man behind the counter if I weren't so tired or hungry. And again there was that very sleepy baby waiting in the car with her daddy. Back home, I tried to forget what happened and ate up. The taste was strictly ok. No big awards to be given out, but no eliminations either.

Anyway, I hate to think of what goes on in the kitchens of restaurants after this - I guess ignorance can really be bliss.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Band Baaja Baaraat - Reasonably Gratifying

Noticed the new 'trend' in 'movie premiers' on entertainment channels these days? They play the same movie twice on the same day - 12 pm & 8 pm or some such. Strange? Not quite. If (huh?) there is a movie you would really want to catch, it's not a bad idea at all. Snatch half of it in the afternoon until siesta time and the rest in the evening well before sleep time if you may (the best of both worlds - ha!).

I'd read a few good words about Band Baaja Baarat and watched the movie (in the fashion noted above) last Sunday. Well. Tell you what, not a bad effort at all, especially from a debutant director Maneesh Sharma! In fact, if the actors (Anushka, Ranbir) were slightly more than the amateurs that they are in this flick, it would've deserved an extra star rating. I liked the way the movie flowed (no flashbacks, no side-kicks, no inserted humour), I liked the practical, believable characters and the well written dialogues. (I particularly liked the exchange between the two in the last-but-one scene). I liked how convincingly the wedding planning industry is depicted. Some unnecessary songs and a few over the top heroics notwithstanding... Bollywood has to survive after all!?

The female protagonist (Anushka/ Shruti) is an urban, independent sorts with the courage to pursue her dream confidently. Endorsing her cause is the rural, not very sophisticated young man (Ranbir/Bittu) who wins the partner's role in her venture and her heart too. Anushka, the menacingly annoying off-stage gal (if you were patient enough to see the 'extra shots' you would realise how Anushka didn't let Ranbir complete a single sentence) actually played a sweet girl, though I wish her dialogue delivery wasn't so slurred and hurried. Ranbir's rural touch was way better than his namesake's in Ajab Prem....

How the love angle comes up is how it would normally happen in real life - no melodrama, emotional outbursts and filmi-stuff here. Eventually it had to have that predictable happy ending, but it didn't happen in the predictable sort of way. There were a few surprises - a few directorial surprises at that. The lack of the usual climactic run-up to the end made it more enjoyable for me.

I often find that liking a movie on television is a bit more difficult than liking it in the cinema hall where there are so many parameters installed to make it an 'experience' for you. You also don't judge the movie in the same way - in a theatre you mostly look for value for money - at home you may just look to relax on a weekend with something passably watchable.

Catch it if you missed it last weekend. I'm sure you'll get plenty of opportunities to do so - I bet its going to be television's next Jab We Met.

My verdict - 3.5 out of 5

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The boxed up Indian

Notes from the fence is "back" for the nth time - so much so that I have decided to stop announcing my (imminent yet unpredictable) return to the blogging world. This time the rather long hiatus was thanks to this new addition to the family, which is currently rolling away to glory as her mother rolls up the new post in her old blog.

This time I think I am going to come up with an array of reviews on restaurants that provide home delivery, for reasons that need no further explanation. "Indian in a box" deserves to be congratulated for one simple reason - saving me the trouble of cooking up a meal on a saturday evening after the new Smokin Joes in the area declared that they work only from 11 am to 8 pm. Recommended by the Mr.'s colleagues, we decided to order Chicken biryani.

I had several reasons to "like" what we got:
1) It came in a record fifteen minutes.
2) The food was piping hot when delivered.
3) It came so well packaged that we almost felt bad to unwrap it.
4) The biryani was delicious, flavored very well and had just the right amount of spice and chilly factor to suit our palate.
5) The pricing too suited the pocket well, though I think I may have easily agreed to pay a few more tenners.
6) The menu provided along with the food was tempting enough to go for another order.

Indian in a box already has three outlets in Pune (or let me say the non-Pune Pune if you know what I mean), and are reportedly take-away specialists. With only Indian and Chinese on the menu the choices could well run out for a regular, but there is still quite a lot of fare to try out for at least a few times. They apparently also have a few offers running. This time we opted out of the 'spicy' IPL offer but could try another some other time.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Watching the baby hit the turning milestone was an incredible experience for her as well as for both of us parents. It was in a way the first real attempt at mobility. The flaying and kicking that started in the second month notwithstanding, this was different. Here the baby was actually going that extra mile to do something that will ultimately lead her to adult, human behaviour. I hope I was able to explain what I meant!

It was also a celebration of evolution - to watch that little thing try so hard to get at something we take humongously for granted. Have you ever spared a thought at what it takes to turn on your side at a 90 degrees angle? But watch a baby try to do it and see for yourself - first she puts her head back (with great effort) at about 45 degrees, then slowly pulls her shoulders to match that angled head, then the torso turns to meet the shoulder line and viola, we are on our side! Don't ask us to go back again that easily though! That's a skill we still have to master :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Welcome party

After months of planning, Bobo chan's welcome party finally went through this Sunday. Rather successfully I must say, most particularly since the little thing slept through-out the function! It was incredible, since I have so far never seen her sleeping for so long at a stretch during the day. And certainly not amidst so much noise, so many people and so much activity. The fortunate consequences of this phenomenon were several. For one, I got to actually enjoy the party, have meaningful dialogue with the guests, have a laidback easy lunch. I haven't had too many of such occasions since Bobo was born so I went all out to seize this one and made the most of it. Since there was no 'back-up' required, my mother was able to have her share of merriment and interaction too. This was in sharp contrast with the scene on the eve of the party. The tension, anxiety and stress was beginning to show. Bobo had been extremely cranky two days in a row and I was looking at the prospect of spending the entire function holed up in the room beside the party hall. But all thanks to my lovely daughter, none of these odds played out. Further, most other parameters fell into place. The ambience was great, decoration simple but classy, P's aunt's speech marvelous, food good and the overall atmosphere relaxed and chattery. More than that, most of the people who mattered were there, especially the sister whose presence we had timed into the party date. I would have loved to see a few other people, but I already knew their limitations so had to be liberal enough to excuse them. All in all, an event that went off well - ironically because the protagonist slept right through it!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Santa Claus comes a'calling

A dear friend came over to visit Bobo this afternoon. Her visit was special because she was the first friend to see my baby. It was also special because two other friends who had planned to come by last week could not make it due to inexplicably stupid reasons, leading to a lot of disappointment. Her visit was special because she brought along so many different gifts for Bobo that I was totally overwhelmed. It is at moments like these that you realise how much value good friends hold in life. That you almost come to expect their presence, support and encouragement, and something gets missed out in life if you can't have that.

We spent the afternoon talking, mostly giving and taking advice on new mom stuff. Very very valuable practical tips that no book can dole out, or no mother or grandmother can remember enough from their experience to tell you. Baby slept through our talking and later woke up enough to be seen and cradled. Another moment that will stay in my memory for years to come!